Children’s Mental Health Week 2024 – How Children’s Mental Health is still affected by the Pandemic

At Hypno4Children our practitioners have observed a noticeable increase in mental health problems among children and teenagers, including anxiety, worry, school refusal, fears, and phobias and many of these issues seem to have started during the challenging times of the pandemic.

The isolation, routine disruption, and general uncertainty of that period have left a lasting imprint on many young minds. For some children, shifting back to regular social interactions, academic pressures, and the general pace of life has been overwhelming.

Our findings are also backed by research, according to YoungMinds, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted young people’s mental health in the UK. Before the pandemic, around one in eight children and young people had a diagnosable mental health condition. The pandemic has exacerbated these issues for many, with 83% of young people reporting that their mental health worsened due to the pandemic. YoungMinds emphasises the critical role of schools in supporting mental health and urges the government to focus on supporting young people during and after the pandemic, recognising the long-lasting impact on their mental health and the services that support them.

It’s important for parents to recognise that these challenges are not fleeting but may require ongoing attention and support. The journey towards healing and adaptation is unique for every child, and understanding this is key to providing the right kind of support. If you are struggling, please seek some professional help. Our Hypno4Children practitioners can work with parents to help them support their children or with children directly from aged 5 and up.