
For emotionally healthy & happy children


Hypnotherapy for children has become a normal and healthy way to help our children to build great emotional intelligence and be able to regulate their emotions in a healthy way. That means knowing it is ok to feel all their emotions, as all emotions are valid, but also knowing how to self soothe if emotions are overwhelming or uncomfortable. This empowers them to feel confident and resourceful in any situation.

Young children are like little sponges always absorbing and learning, taking on board information, experiences and observations with little conscious analysis. That is because it is believed that conscious mind awareness does not get switched on in the brain until around the age of 7. So, anything they see, hear or feel is taken on board as true for them and belief patterns begin to get laid down as a blueprint for life.

This is how we have evolved as people and some of our belief patterns will be good, learnt from our caregivers and be well based and beneficial to our wellbeing and safety such as… “If I put my hand in or on something hot it will burn and hurt”. Some however, will be less helpful and may even be based on a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of information given to us, leading us into limiting thoughts and behaviours going forward, such as…..”I am rubbish at Maths because my teacher from primary school told me that”

Children’s minds accept suggestions openly and easily whether negative or positive. This is where Hypnotherapy can be really helpful, as by utilising their wonderful imagination and through the power of positive suggestion, we can help children overcome emotional difficulties or upsets, in a quick, relaxed and fun way. Hypnotherapy for children looks different too, often it’s an eyes open approach and we teach through metaphors and stories, techniques and strategies, building a wellbeing toolbox for life.

Our Hypno4Children™ Practitioners work with each child as an individual, getting to know them and building a bespoke therapy plan around their interests, background and understanding. We do this through teaching them about the brain and how it works, making games out of this learning process they quickly learn how to safely feel and regulate their emotions, creating a great mental strength which will set healthy foundations for life.

We use our MINDHACK System which incorporates a variety of therapy modalities such as Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Tapping, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Positive Psychology / Coaching.

This gives your child a Wellbeing Toolbox of techniques, strategies, healthy habits and beliefs about their own resourcefulness that will enhance their wellbeing.

Common Issues for Children from age 5 – 9 are;

Bedwetting / anxiety / confidence / school / eating / sleeping / friendships

Review for Marcia
“Our overall experience of therapy was 100% positive! The sessions far exceeded my expectations and my daughter felt very comfortable in the sessions. We were both put at ease from the minute our appointment started and we both felt that we could talk about any of our problems, however uncomfortable that may have been. The main features that I think helped Rosie was the ‘worry tree’ and the ‘tapping’ lessons that we had to reduce her anxiety. These worked extremely well for her. Marcia has an extremely friendly, welcoming and understanding nature which put us both at ease from the minute we met her, we were both very lucky to have had the pleasure of her helping us! We would certainly go back to Marcia in the future, should we need to, she gave us great confidence that our problems could be solved, and they were!”

Helen H, Ashford

Review for Julie

“I approached Julie after much research into the best methods available to help my son resolve a number of very serious phobias he has had since a young child. As he was now 15 it was beginning to interfere with his school work, especially Biology and Sports Science, the reason for this was due to his phobias being, blood, bones and the heart. Julie very quickly established herself as his confident and between them they worked together over 6 weeks, working through his very severe reactions he had just even talking about these subjects. The NLP and Hypnosis along with some immediate visualisation processes meant he could see and feel improvements by week 2. He realised by changing his thought process he could overcome the challenges that had been there all his life. He looked forward to each meeting, knowing he was heading towards a worry free life and as a result his confidence grew. Julie is now a very special person in our lives and our son no longer even remembers what or why bones, blood and the heart ever gave him any issues. Quite frankly, it’s a miracle!”

Mrs H, Kent

Review for Frances

“My 16-year-old son recently received treatment from Frances for his severe needle phobia.
My son has autism, adhd and other difficulties. He has previously refused treatment, hidden beneath tables and chairs, smashed up waiting rooms and become visually distressed. After a relaxing treatment with Frances my son was able to receive his Covid vaccine without too much stress and actually watching the vaccine being administered, he afterwards said that it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be.. he subsequently received his second vaccine and said that he thought he was over his needle fear. My son had always absolutely refused any needles after a bad hospital experience 7 years previously.. the session with Frances has proven to be invaluable and I would recommend it to anyone who is having difficulties.”

E.D, Kent

“Julie has been fantastic with my 9 year old son, who has been suffering from panic attacks, due to a traumatic event when he was younger. Julie has taken the time to get to know him in advance of his first session and put him at ease straight away. During his four sessions Julie combined my sons interests with Hypnotherapy and specific Tapping techniques, this has given us the tools to help in advance and also if necessary, at the time of a panic attack starting. My son says he is pleased he has had Julies help and feels better now he knows how to help himself.

We are so grateful to be able to do so much more with my son, as he can now recognise the feelings he gets before a panic attack. Using the tools we have learnt we can then stop these feelings from escalating. This has given us the freedom to be able to go out as a family again. Not only is this life changing for us all now, but most importantly for my son as he grows up.”
Sarah, Shepherdswell

“Thank you again for your help with my son, I feel as though he is back to his usual self and coping very well now with further set backs he has had recently.  His optimism has returned and he is now able to verbalise his feelings when he gets frustrated.  He felt he had lost control over his life in general, your approach has helped him regain his happiness on his terms and he feels as though he has done the work to achieve this, rather than having yet another thing being done to him. The process has shown me that rather than dredge up and talk about a traumatic period, for my son at least, accepting what’s done is done and focusing more on strategies to deal with such issues appears far more beneficial in the long run. If we need help again, I will not hesitate to contact you and I have already recommended your services to a couple of friends who are considering getting help for themselves or loved ones.”

Vicky, Kent

“I first started suffering from panic attacks aged 13 at school. From doing presentations to being asked a question, my anxiety around these situations soon escalated and I became very depressed and developed social anxiety disorder. Despite a move to a smaller school and my family’s and my best efforts to manage my anxiety and depression, 2 years on I reached the point where good days were very scarce and I would self-sabotage over every conversation I took part in. When I went to see Julie at Time2Shine, she instantly made me comfortable and was extremely sympathetic towards my needs. She taught me Neuro Linguistic Programming and Thought Field Therapy techniques, backing up her propositions with hypnotherapy, and from leaving that first session I have not stopped smiling since. In just four sessions, Julie has taught me that it is not what happens to you in life, it is how you deal with it. Now her positivity techniques have become second nature to me, but I also have many techniques I can refer to if I find myself slipping back to my old habits. At 15 years old, I feel Julie has set me up with skills that will carry me through the rest of my life and helped me take control of my anxieties, I could not be more thankful.”

Anna, Whitstable

“I just wanted to tell you how grateful i am to you for the work you did with my daughter back in June for her fear of flying. She coped amazingly well on our recent flights to and from holiday. I bought a tablet and she downloaded her favorite romcoms and spent the time absorbed in them, the breathing techniques also proved successful. On the way home we were coming in to land when the pilot suddenly had to head up at a 45 degree angle at speed to avoid a problem on the runway and even that didn’t bother her!. It has been trans-formative for her and she is now planning trips to The States! Thank you so very much. I also think what you have taught her will be transferable to other stressful situations such as exams. I am very grateful.”

Margaret, Kent

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    Hypnotherapy for children has become a normal and healthy way to help our children to build great emotional intelligence and be able to regulate their emotions in a healthy way.

    Hypnotherapy for young people has become a normal and healthy way to help our teenagers build great emotional intelligence and be able to regulate their emotions in a healthy way, during a time in their lives that can be difficult to navigate.

    Would you like to learn how to help children? Our training has accumulated from our combined 30 years of experience as Clinical Hypnotherapists which has included helping children and young people with many issues.